Member of Parliament

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Commonly abbreviated as MP, a Member of Parliament is voted in at regular General Elections or sometimes By-elections.

Uniquely, Singapore has 3 types:

  • elected MP, as described above
  • Non-constituency MP (NCMP)
  • Nominated MP (NMP)

Elected MP

Elected MPs are those who have been elected into Parliament at a General Election/By-election on a first-past-the-post basis and represent either Single Member Constituencies (SMCs) or Group Representation Constituencies (GRCs). First Past the Post voting system, inherited from the UK, ensures only a single representative is the winner. If many candidates contest for one seat and votes are split many ways, the winner can be determined even when he only secures a 30% ++ portion of the votes. Refer to Presidential Election.

Non-constituency MP (NCMP)

Nominated MP (NMP)

See Nominated Member of Parliament.