Nominated Member of Parliament

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NMP is the abbreviation of Nominated Member of Parliament. An NMP is a non-elected Member (of Parliament) appointed by the President for a term of 2.5 years. The NMP's term does not follow the Parliament term, which averages 5 years per term. Nominees can be proposed by the general public as well as the 7 Functional Groups.

The 7 Functional Groups are currently represented by the following organizations:

  • Business and Industry as represented by the Singapore Business Federation
  • Labour as represented by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)
  • Professions as represented by the Academy of Medicine
  • Social Service Organisations as represented by the National Council of Social Service
  • Civic and People Sector as represented by the People's Association
  • Tertiary Education Institutions as represented by the National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • Media, Arts and Sports Organisations as represented by the National Arts Council


See Syed Harun Taha Alhabsyi#Resignation and Speculation on Political Involvement

NMP term (2023 Feb-2021 Jul)

NMP (2025-2023)
Usha ChandradasKeith ChuaMark LeeOng Hua HanNeil Parekh Nimil RajnikantSyed Harun Taha AlhabsyiRaj Joshua ThomasRazwana Begum Abdul RahimSee Jinli Jean

NMP (2023-2021)
Janet Ang Guat HarShahira AbdullahMark Chay Jung JunCheng Hsing YaoHoon Hian TeckKoh Lian PinTan Yia SwamRaj Joshua ThomasAbdul Samad Abdul Wahab
