Gan Siow Huang

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Gan Siow Huang
Party Affiliation PAP  
Current Role • MP for Marymount SMC
Past Roles

Personal Details
Age 50

Gan Siow Huang (born 28 September 1974) is a Singaporean politician from the ruling People's Action Party (PAP). She has represented the Marymount SMC since the 2020 general election. Also, she has been the Minister of State for Education and Minister of State for Manpower since 2020.

For the full list of positions, refer to PARL Link.

Early Education

Gan was educated at Victoria Junior College. She then received the Singapore Armed Forces Merit Scholarship (Women) in 1993. She studied at the London School of Economics and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in economics in 1996. Four years later, he completed a Master of Business Administration under the Sloan Fellows program at MIT Sloan School of Management.


Military career

Before entering politics, Gan had a notable career in the military. She joined the Republic of Singapore Air Force and became the country’s first woman to be Brigadier-General in 2015. She was the Chief of Staff-Air Staff from 2019 to 2020.

Political career

She entered politics in 2020 and won 55.04% of the votes in the election. She was later appointed as the Minister of State for Manpower and Minister of State for Education. In 2024, she was elected as Chairperson of the Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council.

Personal life

Gan is married to Lee Jek Suen, a former officer in the Republic of Singapore Navy. They have three daughters.

Social Media Pages




14th Parliament
MP  : Ang Wei NengBaey Yam KengCheryl Chan Wei LingChan Chun SingChee Hong TatCheng Li HuiEdward Chia Bing HuiChong Kee HiongDesmond ChooChua Kheng Wee LouisEric ChuaDarryl DavidChristopher de SouzaFoo Mee HarGrace Fu Hai YienGan Kim YongGan Siow HuangGan Thiam PohDerrick GohHe Ting RuHeng Chee HowHeng Swee KeatShawn Huang Wei ZhongIndranee RajahS IswaranJanil PuthuchearyAmy Khor Lean SuanKoh Poh KoonKwek Hian Chuan HenryDesmond LeeLee Hsien LoongLiang Eng HwaLim Biow ChuanJamus Jerome LimSylvia LimLim Wee KiakLow Yen LingMariam JaafarMasagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos MohamadMohamad Maliki Bin OsmanMohd Fahmi Bin AlimanMuhamad Faisal Bin Abdul ManapMuhammad Faishal IbrahimMurali PillaiNadia Ahmad SamdinNg Eng HenNg Ling LingLouis Ng Kok KwangRachel Ong Ong Ye KungJoan PereiraLeon PereraDenise Phua Lay PengPoh Li SanPritam SinghRaeesah KhanRahayu MahzamSaktiandi SupaatSeah Kian PengK ShanmugamSharael TahaSim AnnSitoh Yih PinHany SohSun XuelingAlvin TanCarrie TanTan Chuan-JinDennis Tan Lip FongDesmond TanJessica Tan Soon NeoTan Kiat HowTan See LengTan Wu MengPatrick Tay Teck GuanTeo Chee HeanJosephine TeoTharman ShanmugaratnamTin Pei LingEdwin Tong Chun FaiVikram NairVivian BalakrishnanWan RizalDon WeeLawrence WongXie Yao QuanAlex Yam ZimingYeo Wan LingYip Hon WengMelvin Yong Yik ChyeZaqy MohamadZhulkarnain Abdul Rahim
NCMP  : Leong Mun WaiHazel Poa
