Tan See Leng

From PoliticalSG
Tan See Leng
Party Affiliation PAP  
Current Role • Minister for Manpower
• Second Minister for Trade and Industry
• MP for Marine Parade GRC
Past Roles • Group CEO of Parkway Pantai Limited
• Group CEO of IHH HealthCare Berhad
• Founder and CEO of Healthway Medical Group
Others • Chairman of Marine Parade PAP branch
• Director at Surbana Jurong

Personal Details
Age 60

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Born on 24 December 1964, Dr. Tan See Leng was a medical practitioner by profession before joining politics during the GE2020.

  • 2021 - was appointed as the Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry on 15 May 2021.
  • chairman of the Marine Parade PAP branch, replaced retiring Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong

For full list of positions, refer to PARL Link

  • graduated with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, and attained a Master of Medicine from the National University of Singapore. He received his Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago.
  • Monk's Hill Primary School and Monk's Hill Secondary School
  • pending more details


Medical Career

  • 1993 to 2002 - founded Healthway Medical Group in Singapore and was its Chief Executive Officer
  • 2014 to 2019 - Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at IHH HealthCare Berhad
  • 2014 to 2019 - Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at Parkway Pantai Limited from 2010 to 2019
  • served on the boards of several medical committees including Singapore Ministry of Health’s Medishield Life Review Committee (check for date)
  • Singapore Medical Council web site shows that he currently holds a medical practicing certificate that indicates the primary place of practice as the Prime Minister's Office


  • Advisory Board of Lee Kong Chian School of Business at Singapore Management University
  • served as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School of Singapore (Office of Education).


Multiple Positions/Directorships Claim

  • when he was fielded as candidate for GE2020 in the Marine Parade GRC, a social media post claimed that he was holding 69 positions/directorships in various healthcare companies and questioned whether he would have time and energy to even serve as a part-time MP for Marine Parade GRC if elected
  • Tan See Leng clarified he no longer held those positions, as he had resigned from IHH Healthcare at the end of 31 December 2019.
  • “With the cessation of my employment, all my directorships of active companies related to the group have also ceased at the end of 31 December 2019. The directorships listed are part of dormant companies in the process of undergoing voluntary liquidation and winding up which do not require any active work nor time.” ~ reported as saying.
  • stated that he currently holds four directorships: at Surbana Jurong (paid), social enterprise raiSE (not paid), NUH Fund Ltd (not paid) and NUH Health Research Endowment Fund (not paid). He is also volunteering as an adviser for Temasek Foundation.[1]

Shuttle Service Landmark Controversy

  • "There are pictures of other Marine Parade landmarks, including Wisma Geylang Serai, Old Market (sic) Old Airport Road. And these all help our residents, the residents who would like familiarity with these landmarks and people who are familiar to them, to identify the buses." - Alvin Tan, 7 Aug 2024 Parliament Session[2]
  • Alvin Tan also said the 'free shuttle bus service' in Marine Parade cluster costs S$1 million a year, mostly funded through donations[3]
  • Alvin Tan also mentioned that over 10,000 residents have registered for the shuttle service, with more than 40% being seniors aged 65 and above.
  • However, residents there have verified that ridership for the shuttle bus was very low. CNA reported some routes having close to zero passengers at certain times but others having over 20 passengers.[4][5]

14th Parliament
MP  : Ang Wei NengBaey Yam KengCheryl Chan Wei LingChan Chun SingChee Hong TatCheng Li HuiEdward Chia Bing HuiChong Kee HiongDesmond ChooChua Kheng Wee LouisEric ChuaDarryl DavidChristopher de SouzaFoo Mee HarGrace Fu Hai YienGan Kim YongGan Siow HuangGan Thiam PohDerrick GohHe Ting RuHeng Chee HowHeng Swee KeatShawn Huang Wei ZhongIndranee RajahS IswaranJanil PuthuchearyAmy Khor Lean SuanKoh Poh KoonKwek Hian Chuan HenryDesmond LeeLee Hsien LoongLiang Eng HwaLim Biow ChuanJamus Jerome LimSylvia LimLim Wee KiakLow Yen LingMariam JaafarMasagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos MohamadMohamad Maliki Bin OsmanMohd Fahmi Bin AlimanMuhamad Faisal Bin Abdul ManapMuhammad Faishal IbrahimMurali PillaiNadia Ahmad SamdinNg Eng HenNg Ling LingLouis Ng Kok KwangRachel Ong Ong Ye KungJoan PereiraLeon PereraDenise Phua Lay PengPoh Li SanPritam SinghRaeesah KhanRahayu MahzamSaktiandi SupaatSeah Kian PengK ShanmugamSharael TahaSim AnnSitoh Yih PinHany SohSun XuelingAlvin TanCarrie TanTan Chuan-JinDennis Tan Lip FongDesmond TanJessica Tan Soon NeoTan Kiat HowTan See LengTan Wu MengPatrick Tay Teck GuanTeo Chee HeanJosephine TeoTharman ShanmugaratnamTin Pei LingEdwin Tong Chun FaiVikram NairVivian BalakrishnanWan RizalDon WeeLawrence WongXie Yao QuanAlex Yam ZimingYeo Wan LingYip Hon WengMelvin Yong Yik ChyeZaqy MohamadZhulkarnain Abdul Rahim
NCMP  : Leong Mun WaiHazel Poa