K Shanmugam

From PoliticalSG
Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam
காசிவிஸ்வநாதன் சண்முகம்
Party Affiliation PAP  
Current Role • MP for Nee Soon GRC
• Minister for Law
• Minister for Home Affairs
Past Roles • Minister for Foreign Affairs
• Second Minister for Home Affairs
Education • National University of Singapore
Personal Details
Age 65

Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam, better known as K. Shanmugam (born 26 March 1959), is a veteran Singaporean politician and a lawyer. Shanmugam is a governing People's Action Party (PAP) member and has held various ministerial roles.[1]

He was an MP for the Sembawang Group Representation Constituency (1988-2011) and the Nee Soon Group Representation Constituency (since 2011). In both constituencies, he served the Chong Pang ward.

For the full list of positions, refer to PARL Link.


Shanmugam studied at Raffles Institution from 1972 to 1977. He earned a Bachelor of Law at the National University of Singapore (NUS), graduating at the top of his class with First Class Honours in 1984. In 1985, he was called to the Singapore Bar as an Advocate & Solicitor.

Legal career

After being admitted, he started private practice and later was a senior partner and  Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution at Allen & Gledhill LLP, once Singapore's biggest law firm.[2] Shanmugam has enjoyed a successful career and has been named Asia and Singapore's top litigation and arbitration counsel. As The Law Reports recorded, he has handled more than 100 cases, from malpractice suits to insolvency conflicts.

Political career

He joined the People's Action Party (PAP) in 1988 and has been active as an MP until today. He has been representing the Nee Soon GRC since 2011. Previously, he was an MP for Chong Pang since 1988, representing the Sembawang Group Representation Constituency (GRC) (1988–2011).

Ministerial roles

Shanmugam has held multiple ministerial positions:

Date start Date end Appointment
May 2008 Minister for Law
May 2008 October 2010 Second Minister for Home Affairs
October 2010 May 2011 Minister for Home Affairs
May 2011 September 2015 Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 2015 Minister for Home Affairs

Ministerial Work

Legislative Contributions

As Minister for Law and Home Affairs, Shanmugam has played a significant role in shaping Singapore's legal framework through various legislative initiatives:

Protection from Harassment Act (POHA): Enacted to provide remedies and recourse for victims of harassment, including online bullying and stalking. The Act also established the Protection from Harassment Court to hear such matters under a simplified process.

Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA): Introduced to counter the spread of false information online, this legislation grants the government powers to order the correction or removal of false statements that affect public interest.

Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA): Aimed at protecting Singapore's political sovereignty against foreign interference, particularly through hostile information campaigns and the use of local proxies.


Throughout his political career, Shanmugam has faced several controversies:

Ridout Road Rentals

In 2023, Shanmugam and Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan were scrutinized for renting state-owned bungalows on Ridout Road. An investigation by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) concluded that there was no evidence of abuse of position or preferential treatment in the rental transactions.

Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA)

The introduction of FICA faced criticism from various quarters, including concerns about its potential impact on academic freedom and freedom of expression. Reporters Without Borders described the act as a "legal monstrosity with totalitarian leanings," asserting that it targets independent media outlets under the guise of national sovereignty.[3]

Defamation Allegations

Shanmugam has claimed to have been the subject of false allegations concerning his personal life and ministerial work.

  • A former member of Singapore's Reform Party apologized for spreading unfounded rumors about an extramarital affair involving Shanmugam.
  • He and Balakrishnan sued Lee Hsien Yang for alleged defamatory comments regarding their leasing of the Ridout Road black-and-white bungalows in 2023. They won the suit after the Singapore courts granted summary judgment against Lee Hsien Yang, who was outside Singapore at the time.
  • He and Minister for Manpower, Tan See Leng issued letter of demands to Bloomberg, The Edge Singapore and Terry Xu, Chief Editor of The Online Citizen in Dec 2024.

Personal life

Shanmugam is a devout Hindu. He has been married to Dr.Seetha Subiah, a clinical psychologist, since 2008. Previously, he was married to Jothie Rajah, the daughter of KS Rajah (fformer Senior Counsel and Judicial Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Singapore). They later divorced.

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14th Parliament
MP  : Ang Wei NengBaey Yam KengCheryl Chan Wei LingChan Chun SingChee Hong TatCheng Li HuiEdward Chia Bing HuiChong Kee HiongDesmond ChooChua Kheng Wee LouisEric ChuaDarryl DavidChristopher de SouzaFoo Mee HarGrace Fu Hai YienGan Kim YongGan Siow HuangGan Thiam PohDerrick GohHe Ting RuHeng Chee HowHeng Swee KeatShawn Huang Wei ZhongIndranee RajahS IswaranJanil PuthuchearyAmy Khor Lean SuanKoh Poh KoonKwek Hian Chuan HenryDesmond LeeLee Hsien LoongLiang Eng HwaLim Biow ChuanJamus Jerome LimSylvia LimLim Wee KiakLow Yen LingMariam JaafarMasagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos MohamadMohamad Maliki Bin OsmanMohd Fahmi Bin AlimanMuhamad Faisal Bin Abdul ManapMuhammad Faishal IbrahimMurali PillaiNadia Ahmad SamdinNg Eng HenNg Ling LingLouis Ng Kok KwangRachel Ong Ong Ye KungJoan PereiraLeon PereraDenise Phua Lay PengPoh Li SanPritam SinghRaeesah KhanRahayu MahzamSaktiandi SupaatSeah Kian PengK ShanmugamSharael TahaSim AnnSitoh Yih PinHany SohSun XuelingAlvin TanCarrie TanTan Chuan-JinDennis Tan Lip FongDesmond TanJessica Tan Soon NeoTan Kiat HowTan See LengTan Wu MengPatrick Tay Teck GuanTeo Chee HeanJosephine TeoTharman ShanmugaratnamTin Pei LingEdwin Tong Chun FaiVikram NairVivian BalakrishnanWan RizalDon WeeLawrence WongXie Yao QuanAlex Yam ZimingYeo Wan LingYip Hon WengMelvin Yong Yik ChyeZaqy MohamadZhulkarnain Abdul Rahim
NCMP  : Leong Mun WaiHazel Poa