Nominated Member of Parliament

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NMP is the abbreviation of Nominated Member of Parliament. An NMP is a non-elected Member (of Parliament) appointed by the President for a term of 2.5 years. The NMP's term does not follow the Parliament term, which averages 5 years per term. Nominees can be proposed by the general public as well as the 7 Functional Groups.

The 7 Functional Groups are currently represented by the following organizations:

  • Business and Industry as represented by the Singapore Business Federation
  • Labour as represented by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)
  • Professions as represented by the Academy of Medicine
  • Social Service Organisations as represented by the National Council of Social Service
  • Civic and People Sector as represented by the People's Association
  • Tertiary Education Institutions as represented by the National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • Media, Arts and Sports Organisations as represented by the National Arts Council


See Syed Harun Taha Alhabsyi#Resignation and Speculation on Political Involvement

NMP term (2021 Jul-2023 Feb)

NMP (2018 Sep-2021 Mar)

  1. Labour unionist Arasu Duraisamy
  2. Sakae Holdings chairman Douglas Foo Peow Yong
  3. Executive director of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra Ho Wee San
  4. Communication and technology professor Lim Sun Sun
  5. Founder of inter-religious non-profit group Roses of Peace Abbas Ali Mohamed Irshad
  6. Corporate social responsibility consultant Anthea Ong Lay Theng
  7. President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore Irene Quay Siew Ching
  8. Labour economist and associate professor Walter Edgar Theseira
  9. Paralympian swimmer Yip Pin Xiu

NMP (2025-2023)
Usha ChandradasKeith ChuaMark LeeOng Hua HanNeil Parekh Nimil RajnikantSyed Harun Taha AlhabsyiRaj Joshua ThomasRazwana Begum Abdul RahimSee Jinli Jean

NMP (2023-2021)
Janet Ang Guat HarShahira AbdullahMark Chay Jung JunCheng Hsing YaoHoon Hian TeckKoh Lian PinTan Yia SwamRaj Joshua ThomasAbdul Samad Abdul Wahab
